Services Offered

We offer a pull list free of charge.

We buy comics and collections.
We buy comics Thursday - Monday from 12pm – 6pm.
You may make an appointment ahead of time.
Contact the store by email richmix@richmondcomix.com
or give us a call at 804-594-2845 to set up an appointment.
What we are looking for:
Old comics from before the 1970s.
We are primarily looking for books with a 10 or 12 cent cover price.
Comics that are key issues (first appearances, popular story lines).
What we are NOT looking for:
Most comics with a cover price 15 cents and higher.
These comics will most likely only be eligible for bulk purchase at
7-10 cents a book.
Comics that are missing covers.
Trading cards.
Children's comics.
Other things to keep in mind:
The value of a comic is dependent on the condition. We cannot evaluate your comics over the phone. If you have any comics that meet our criteria, we will need to see them in person in order to judge the condition.
We are a business and we are buying comics for resale. Supply and demand have a large influence on the books we are interested in as we do not want to purchase books we do not think we will be able to resell. We are willing to look at all collections but cannot guarantee we will make an offer.